
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Cat A Rackets

Well haven't checked on my blog recently and it looks like I'm a hit in Russia. It is great to see tat people from all walks of life are open to changing how they see things in their lives.

I recently have been working a lot on my vision. My eyesight is not the best it could be an I have been looking for alternatives to healing my eyesight instead of going to the "eye doctors" who refuse to see that they are hurting peoples eyesight  prescribing stronger an stronger eye ware. Which continuously weakens the eyesight. They are as bad as the pharmaceudical  companies poisoning people wit drugs.

I have started with my seminar and it is moving and shifting my beliefs around my vision. Tanks to "man" and their dark vision for this planet an humanities future, I am constantly clearing old limited beliefs that prevent me from believing that we can live in total harmony with this planet, because there no planet Earth 2 to do to , yet.

All these limited beliefs that have worked against me started from as early as 3 years old, when my Mother first introduced to my first experience of poverty. That has negatively effected me throughout my entire life. All these limited beliefs like " I see the world with eyes of poverty" " I can't see how I'm going to take care of myself financially" " I can't see how I'm going to make it to my next paycheck" " I struggle for the bare necessities in life" and on an on it goes.

All this on top of working 6 days a week and still living paycheck to paycheck. I don't feel safe putting money my money in the banks because they support the oil industry which is destroying our planet. So I can only save at a local Credit Union because they don't support them.

Having all these limited beliefs about life has also caused me to manifest cataracts in both eyes, which has to with blurring my vision and reality about the life I'm living in. The inability to see ahead with joy." Cataracts are often caused by poverty and malnutrition, but also prevalent in the elderly, cataracts develop wen the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and progressively blurred. Tis blurs your vision of reality. It distances you from the details, perhaps because of a disenchantment with seeing a world of poverty, where you have to struggle for the bare necessities, or because the world seems so fearful. This is particularly so in the elderly and indicates a fear of seeing what lies ahead: the dread of impending helplessness, sickness, and loneliness. It can occur when you project a mental image of what will happen in the future, and then live in fear of this occurring. Withdrawing behind the cloudiness creates the illusion that nothing is really changing" out of a book I use a lot.

So I have been experimenting by taking off my glasses when I don't have to read anything or do anything important. This reduces the strain that my eyes are trying to keep by constantly adjusting to the prescription I have. it has stirred up some deeper emotions that I want to hide behind the cloudiness of my life. I can now use this technique along with other tools I have to restore my vision again. I am already starting to see subtle daily improvements.

When you only look for the dark side of life, that is what you will continue to see, and see more of it. It seems that today more then ever, people are hiding behind the cloudiness of their lives, because they believe there is no other way. I believe my new vision is to provide new hope for those who suffer with impaired vision. My new belief today is " I have enough money for today" I don't know what tomorrow will bring. I can only do one day at a time. Last night , wen I was almost asleep, the thought of money came back to me, I had to gently remind myself that I don't need money right now. It takes away the worry that is attached to it. That is the racket I cause for myself by adding worry to the problem. There is much more to life than we are truly seeing.

Thanks for reading my blog

Your Money Trailblazer


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Cooking up some Cash

I am getting excited for my next Landmark seminar which starts next Wednesday already. I have been working on my creating a spending plan that hopefully will work, starting next paycheck. I covered all my bases for this payday and my next payday will have less bills for me to pay. I should be able to put some money away. I still have a bit of time before Christmas to get ahead. Plus I plan to reward my commitment to working on my money issues by allowing myself to get a hair trim for the holidays.

I also found out yesterday that my Mom's house has sold. That means I will be getting $5000 inheritance. Once I get this money I am putting it towards a vehicle that is easier on gas. The vehicle I have would cost too much to fix an there is no guarantee that it will last. I have had this one for ten years.

I have been trying to decide if I should look at leasing a vehicle instead of buying one. That way I don't have to pay for maintenance and I could get a new car every three years. My motive for leasing is that it would help build my credit history. I know I'm going to pay higher interest fees, but there is no way of getting out of that.

So I will have to do some research around this because I do need to know how this leasing works. It might not be the best option for me. But I have spoken to a few friends that have leased before and they all recommend it.

Work is very slow. I basically babysit the office all day. It makes long days being all alone here with no one to talk to, except a customer or two a day. But I have a something I have been working on that is generating passive income. I just need to put money into it.

Your Money Trailblazer

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

My Money Muscles

Well last night I was in fear that I wouldn't be able to have enough money to make it till next pay. So I had to look at my finances to make sure. I wanted to try not to borrow from Money Mart if I could help it. But it seems I won't be able to get out of it this time. I did manage to figure out how I will pay all my bills. I made 94 hours on this paycheck and I need $1109.09 in total for my bills on Nov 15 and Dec 1. So this is how I'm going to do it.

This paycheck I have my Landmark course $155 ( which included free unlimited coaching and 10 sessions ( one per week tat last three hours each) I have to pay off the rest of my Roger's account which is $84.09. Then I will put $50 on my cel phone which is up to date, this will give me a bit of a credit and then $75 to Capital One an last $165 for my vehicle insurance. Plus I owe money to my boss $130.  That will leave me with about $350 for two weeks.

If I wait till the end of the month to go to get money from MoneyMart for pay my rent for Dec 1 ....I will borrow $450 from them an will repay probably around $517 back, but that is all I will owe on that paycheck. This is a lot less stressful this way then if I would save money for my rent and try to pay Roger's, Landmark seminar, Capital One  and pay my boss.

Also I will put $70 in my savings which will bring it up to $90. It's the most I've saved in a long time. After Dec 1 I should be able to save at least $100 per paycheck. I hope I can get to this point because I am so tired of struggling with money. I cannot wait to get my seminar started. I was thinking about how money has been making me angry all my life. Angry that I don't get to do the things I wish I could do. As I said before, I'm the one responsible. No one can help me with my money issues but myself. I have to make an effort to change the things that on't work for me.

It is a daily chore for me. I have to keep strengthening my money muscles. Right now I am listening to a video   It T. Harv Eker. He teaches strategies on how to help you change your perceptions on how you view money. I think it really good to listen to people that have made it with money. Never give up on your dreams. NEVER NEVER NEVER !!!!!!!!

Your Money Trailblazer

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Stan for YOUR life

Well it was a great feeling to have completed my Sex and Intimacy seminar. What I got out it would replace 40 years of therapy.  I went in with no confidence of having a conversation with men or money, and I came out with the feeling that I can handle any conversation I would have with men or money. I have also discovered that I can continue on my self investigation on men and money in my next seminar which starts in two weeks. I am looking forward to the many lessons I will learn about myself through the sharing of others.

I was talking with two people that where in my group about creating the possibility of being extraordinary with money in my life and I have inspired both of them also to take on this possibility. What joy this brings to my heart, knowing I am making a difference in peoples lives.I can't wait to see what will show up around shame, anger, resentment and fear around money for me. It could be very interesting.

I will discover what stories I am telling myself with money. What my rackets are around not wanting to save money.  Everyone of us has rackets with money. It is the story we repeat continuously  to ourselves. The protest in the States right now is a perfect example of rackets. Anger is a racket. It takes power over us by allowing us to express our opinions. When this energy is expressed out into the world, it is felt globally. It shifts everything. Fear is the driving force behind anger. The fears of security for our lives and the people we love. No man can make you feel secure in your life. It has to start with you, as an individual. You are the only ones that can make yourself feel secure.

No matter who is in the head office running the show for each of us, we are the ones that have the choice to get up in the morning and make our lives great. Life is way too short to put energy into people who refuse to look at the dysfunctional immature, controlling, manipulative, humans that we have to live with. Today, I have a choice. I can make MY life great. I don't have to wait for anyone to do it for me. I invite you all to think about it, and do the same for yourself. Individual power collaborates with the universe much stronger and faster than any protest put together. Stand for your life.

Your Money Trailblazer

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Singing into Greatness

Well I finally got my laptop back. It has been tough not being able to write on my blog. I couldn't connect on my computer at work because they are already signed into their Google account and I prefer not to have them read my blog.

What in the world have I been up to since I last wrote? Well tonight is the last night of our Sex and Intimacy seminar. I was so worth it, that I am doing the next seminar. I will be working on creating a possibility for my life on being extraordinary with money. I already know what I want to tackle in this next work. I want to look at my anger,resentments, fears, worry and shame.

I did not think of doing another seminar , because I wanted to wait until they have a seminar on money, but the other night wen I was there, I got to chat with a woman tat said I could make the seminar into what ever I chose to work on. OMG!!!! I want to work on my money blocks. She said I could wait for year before they do a money seminar. So I am super excited.

I have discovered in the seminar that I have been hiding from having a conversation with men, in particular. I found out that it comes from my childhood programming and now that I am aware of it, I can stand up and face this block. I tried it the other day on Facebook. Tis man wanted to "friend" me...LOL....Ok .....I'll give it a went pretty much as I imagined. Twenty minutes into the chat, he started asking about my goals, and it came to this question that e asked me, " Where do you see our relationship going? " Oh yes......not surprised....I answered back......" Well I'm not sure what " our goals" means , since we are just having a conversation here. Right?" Needless to say the conversation ended very quickly. I suspected he was a scam.

So that left me confirming my belief that men cannot be trusted, even if I try. But I must not give up. I will continue working on having a conversation with men. I just need to be aware of how the conversation goes, and watch put for any red flags, which I recognized pretty fast in his conversation. So much fun.

I have since changed my cel phone company and not save around $100 per month on that bill. I do have to pay over $300 to pay off my other cel company, but it's worth it. I still seem to always be one pay check from saving money. But I am not giving up.

 I also have a new hobby at work, singing on Smule. It is helping find my voice again and I have been having so much fun with that program. There are so many great singers on there. It has helped me to breath better too.

I'm still working at this job that provides a paycheck, but it has been very slow. I have to say, I have never had a job that allows me to freedom to sing all day at work. I have to entertain myself some how.

Well gotta go sing some more

Tata 4 now

Your Money Trailblazer

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pièce de Ré·sis·tance

Well it's 5 am and I can't sleep. I have resistance on my mind since I went to my seminar on Wednesday. I will own the responsibility of feeling like I don't fit in with the people in the seminar because I'm from down east and I have this accent that I think sets me apart from everyone in the room. I know this is one of the rackets I play in my life and use it as an excuse to not participate in engaging with people. I will have to have a conversation with a coach in my seminar so that I can have a breakthrough in this area of my life so that I can move forward.

When I heard what the exercise was going to be on Wedneday, I felt anger build up inside right away. I think it was because I didn't feel like doing what they were asking me to do. I'm told what to do all the time. At work especially. But since I realised the feeling of anger rising in me, I knew I had to break through this to get to see what would come up in the exercise. We were to sit across each other and stare in each other's eyes for about 3 minutes. Seemed easy enough. I told the other person to think of cute puppies.

As we're being guided through the process, our coach kept on asking us to keep letting go of the thoughts that came up. So I did. When I got to the end of the exercise, I felt a wave of major resistance come up. It worked. I broke through the anger and got to the place of feeling resistance. But why? I had to look back at a few places in my life where I felt major resistance and how did that affect me and my life today.

One place I looked was around money. In my previous blogs, I explained how my Mom would take the money my birth Dad would give me and put it in the bank. So I learned to resist having money in my life. When I was 6 and was inappropriately touches in my private area with the neighbour, I learn to resist being around men especially those I can't trust. In the 70's we were on the edge of a nuclear war, I resisted taking a risk of enjoying life because life is not safe . Today I can see these are all rackets I play in my mind and  it doesn't  have to play a part of my life anymore.

Resistance is like holding onto tension all the time. It's pushing against things. Not allowing myself to open to the possibility of something greater. I still get frustrated when I have to spend most of the money I make to other people. It definitely brings up resistance. It's like finally I have money that I could spend on myself and I have to give this money to someone, like my bills. But if I turn this around with an energy of gratitude, it shifts. I am grateful today that I have broken through my resistance of changing cel phone company. Now I will have a monthly bill of $40 instead of $130 to $150 a month. That is a breakthrough.

Breakthroughs happen more often then we realise. It's my breakthroughs that help me to move forward and allows me to change my perspective on how I am living my life.

Your Money Trailblazer

Monday, October 17, 2016

I Think I can....I Think I Can .....I Think I Can.....

Well today is payday. I am working 6 days week, because I want to get ahead in my finances. I keep my focus on moving ahead. That is the key. I am still caught up on my credit card payments. Today I am going to change my cel phone service and save $100 a month or more. Next thing is to get a vehicle that is cheaper on gas. That will save me another hundred a month or more.

Once you start looking at areas in your life that you can cut cost on, it inspires me to take action. I have been deligent in doing my work around money so that I can help people do the same. I have now put into action some money into a savings account that I call a Prudent Reserve. And I also have another savings account called Playtime account. That is all I have. I also started purchasing gift cards which works really well because I tend to not use them so quickly.

This habit strenghtens my belief that I can do it. Debt builds stress. We think we need to have alot of money to have a good time. Eight percent of people say it's hard to save money.

We tend to go shopping when we are stressed. It's a great excuse to make us feel better. We have a fight with someone and we go shopping. We lose our job and we go shopping. It a vicious cycle.

There are triggers everywhere. That's when my play account comes in handy. If I'm really stressed and I have to go shop, then I use this account and I leave my other bank cards home.

Taking charge in my money has really made me feel good about myself. It' s a great achievemnent in my life to have the courage to sit with my money and see what is happening in that part of my life.

Write down what it is you really want to see happen aroind your money issues and watch the Universe conspire to make it happen. Everytime.

Your Money Trailblazer